Henry W. Bloch
School of Management

Business Minor

Take your major to the next level.

The Business Minor at a glance: 18 credit hours of ranked and accredited business education courses covering topics in accounting, marketing and management.

Course Credit Hours
Program prerequisite (does not apply to 18 hours for minor):
MATH 110: Precalculus Algebra or MATH 120 or higher-level math. Satisfied with an ALEKS score of 61% or higher or an ACT math section score of 28 or higher or an SAT math section score of 660 or higher.
Required for admission to minor:
MIS 202: Computer Applications in Management* 3
ACTG 210/210L: Introduction to Financial Accounting 3
Required courses:
MKT 324: Marketing Concepts 3
FIN 325: Financial Management 3
MGT 332: Principles of Organizational Behavior 3
Business elective:
300/400-level Bloch elective (prerequisites as noted)** 3
Total hours for minor: 18

*BIT degree-seeking students may substitute COMP-SCI 101, COMP-SCI 371 or COMP-SCI 470 for MIS 202.
**For students selecting an entrepreneurship elective, ENT 315 is preferred.

Next Steps

  1. Talk with an advisor to officially declare the minor.
  2. Take MIS 202: Computer Applications in Management (MATH 110 is a prerequisite for this course). BIT degree-seeking students can satisfy this requirement with COMP-SCI 101, COMP-SCI 371 or COMP-SCI 470.
  3. Take ACTG 210/210L: Introduction to Financial Accounting (recommended preparation: completion of 15 college credit hours prior to enrollment).


  • Students are required to be in good standing in a UMKC degree program. Students classified as ‘pre-’ can enter the minor but it cannot be added to the student’s program of study until a major has been declared.
  • Transfer students with equivalent course work will be allowed to apply up to 6 hours of credit and a minimum of 12 hours must be completed at UMKC.
  • BLA students are eligible for this minor.
  • Bloch School students are not eligible for this minor.
  • Students minoring in business are limited to 30 hours of Bloch School courses.
  • Students must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.25 in all Bloch School courses.

Minor Curriculum (PDF)

AACSB Accredited NASPAA Accredited - The commission on peer review and accredidatation