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Cassie Pikarsky, a 2018 graduate of UMKC’s Executive MBA program, has had a professional journey as diverse as it is impressive. Before joining the EMBA program, she spent several years at the National Museum of Toys and Miniatures. She received her bachelor’s in history and business with a marketing concentration from Truman State University and a master’s in history museum studies from the Cooperstown Graduate Program.
For many students aspiring to build careers in sports, Tyler Kirby’s journey from Ticket Sales Representative to Executive Vice President of Business Development at the Kansas City Chiefs offers a compelling roadmap. His career path, education, and his passion for sports, illustrate essential lessons in perseverance, adaptation, and the impact of networking.
Seven outstanding students were chosen from more than 120 applicants
Partnership provides unique scholarships and behind-the-scenes opportunities
Ga Ji Wang is taking in the college experience and paying it forward